Kristine Ward - E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, Ayurvedic Consultant, MBA - Stephen Joyce E-RYT 200, RYT500, Sounds oF Silence Meditation Instructor and Teacher Trainer, Ayurvedic Consultant

Stephen & Kristine have been locally guiding students for more that 15 years and have been training students for more than 13 years. Our Yoga School is a Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance. We offer a hybrid course of both online and in person to suit your needs.


CONVENIENT ONLINE TRAINING that includes video learning, live interaction and guided home practices so you can study when it makes sense for your schedule and learn at your own pace. Yoga Alliance certified.
A FLEXIBLE FORMAT spread out over 10 months so you can easily fit the full training into your life. This flexible format provides ample time and space for integration and exploration in each module. Plus, you'll have a full year to access and complete the training. 

LIVE INTERACTION & SUPPORT with Stephen & KristineWe will  meet live via Zoom for group discussions, Q&A and guided yoga practices to further support your learning and growth. 

AN ONLINE COMMUNITY FORUM to engage with Stephen & Kristine and your fellow trainees between live sessions for more individualized guidance and support. 

200 HOUR CERTIFICATE. With your successful completion of the training, you will receive a 200-hour Certificate that enables es you to be a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYS 200) with Yoga Alliance.

DISCOVER your true nature and establish compassion, friendliness and joy in your teaching.


  1. 01
    • Replay Friday Night: Introduction To Gentle Yoga

    • Replay Saturday: Introduction to Gentle Yoga

    • Replay Sunday : Introduction To Gentle Yoga

    • Asana Techniques

    • Introduction and Course Overview

    • Qualities Of A Yoga Teacher

    • The History Of Yoga

    • Components Of A Basic Hatha Yoga Class

    • Overview Of The Eight Limbs Of Yoga

    • Articulation Assignment

    • Module 1 Quiz

    • Introduction To Asana Clinic - Kristine

    • Asana Clinic - Savasana (Corpse Pose) - Pre-Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Pavanamuktasana - Wind Relieving Pose -Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Sukhasana (Easy Pose) - Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Table Top, Cat/Cow & Balancing Table Top - Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Balasana (Childs Pose) - Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Tadasana (Mountain Pose) - Recorded

    • Transitions - Live Practice with Groups

    • Article- Yoga Sutras - Qualties of the Heart Commentary

  2. 02
    • Meditation

    • Yoga Class

    • Replay Friday Night: Teaching Yoga To All Levels

    • Replay Saturday: Teaching Yoga To All Levels

    • Replay Sunday: Teaching Yoga To All Levels

    • Asana Techniques

    • Teaching Basic Yoga Classes

    • Sun Salutations

    • Sun Saluations - Surya Namasakara (Pre-recorded)

    • Types Of Yoga Postures

    • How To Structure A Yoga Class

    • Articulation Assignment

    • Module 2 Quiz

    • Asana Clinic - Urdhva Hastasana (Extended Mountain Pose) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Ardha Uttasana (Half-Lift) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge/High Lunge) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Ashtanga Namskara (Eight Limb Pose) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Ardho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Vrksasana (Tree Pose) Pre-recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Star Pose/Balancing Star - Pre-recorded

    • Replay - Yoga Nidra with Kristine

    • Replay: Restorative Yoga with Kristine

    • Replay: Gentle Yoga With Kristine

    • Practise Teaching - Sun Salutations

  3. 03
    • Meditation

    • Yoga Class LIve

    • Replay Friday Night: Anatomy - Bones & Muscles

    • Replay Saturday: Anatomy - Bones & Muscle

    • Replay Sunday : Anatomy - Bones & Muscles

    • Basic Human Anatomy & Physiology

    • The Skeletal System

    • The Muscular System

    • Practise Teaching - Sun Salutations

    • How To Structure A Yoga Class

    • Asana Clinic - Review

    • Asana Clinic - Virasana - Hero Pose - Pre-Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Dandasana -Staff Pose - Pre-Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend - Pre-Recorded

    • Asana Clinic - Matsyendrasana - Seated twist - Pre-Recorded

    • Articulation Assignment

    • Module 3 Quiz

    • Pre-Recorded LIve Session

  4. 04
    • Replay Friday Night: Sounds of Silence Meditation

    • Saturday Mornng Yoga With Stephen

    • Replay Saturday: Sounds Of SIlence Meditation

    • Yoga Nidra with Kristine

    • Replay Sunday : Sounds Of Silence Meditation

    • Session 1 - The Basics Of Meditation

    • Session 2 - Techniques To Continue Your Practice

    • Session 3 - The Secrets Of The Awakenings

    • Asana Clinic - Review

    • Transitions - Live Group Session

    • Asana Techniques

    • Asana Clinic - Baddha Konasana - Butterfly

    • Asana Clininc - Janu Sirsasana - Head to Knee Pose

    • Asana Clinic - Reclining Twist

    • Asana Clinic - Navasana - Boat Pose

    • Functional Anatomy - The Knee

    • Meditation Assignment

    • Module 4 Quiz

  5. 05
    • Meditation

    • Pre Recorded Friday NIght Yoga - Intro To Flow

    • Pre Recorded Saturday - Intro To Flow Yoga -1

    • Pre Recorded Saturday - Intro To Flow Yoga - 2

    • Pre-Recorded Sunday - Intro To Flow Yoga

    • Introduction To Teaching Flow Yoga

    • Meditation - Techniques To Continue Your Practice

    • Pranayama - Types Of Pranayama

    • The 5 Essential Standing Poses - Review

    • Uttanasana & Pandangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

    • Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

    • Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

    • Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Wide Angle/Open V Pose)

    • Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch)

    • Utkatasana - Chair Pose

    • Chaturanga Dandasana / Low & High Plank

    • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)

    • Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I

    • Practise Teaching

    • Articulation Assignment

    • Module 5 Quiz

  6. 06
    • Replay Friday Night: Teaching Yoga Flow Part 2

    • Replay Saturday : Teaching Yoga Flow Part 2

    • Replay Sunday : Teaching Yoga Flow Part 2

    • Meditation - Arriving Meditation

    • Asana Practice - Basic Ashtanga

    • Asana Clinic - Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

    • Asana Clinic - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge Pose

    • Power Yoga - Stephen

    • Teaching Intermediate Postures

    • Practice Teaching

    • Practicing Asana - Guidelines For your Personal Practice

    • Asana Clinic - Purvottanasana - Reverse Table Top

    • Asana Clinic - Utpluthih - Uplifting Pose

    • Asana Clinic - Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II

    • Asana Clinic - Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III

    • Pranayama - The Mechanics Of Breathing

    • Dolphn Pose & Extended Puppy

    • Session 4 - Mindfulness Here & Now

    • Functional Anatomy - The Pelvis

    • Practice Teaching

    • Restorative Yoga

    • Module 6 Quiz

    • Articulation Assignment

  7. 07
    • Replay Friday Night: Anatomy & Physiology Part 2

    • Replay Saturday: Anatomy & Physiology Part 2

    • Replay Sunday : Anatomy & Physiology Part 2

    • Matsyasana - Fish Pose

    • Asana Clinic - Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

    • Asana Clinic - Ustrasana - Camel

    • Asana Clinic - Dhanurasana - Bow Pose

    • The Nervous System

    • The Circulatory System

    • The Respitory System

    • The Digestive System

    • Prerecorded LIve Session

    • Module 7 Quiz

  8. 08
    • Replay Saturday: Philosophy - The Yoga Sutras

    • Replay Sunday :Philosophy - The Yoga Sutras

    • Module 8 - Asana Techniques

    • The Eight Limbs Of Yoga

    • Asana Clinic - Natarajasana - Standing Bow

    • Asana Clinic - Halasana (Plow Pose) & Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

    • Asana Clinic - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

    • Asana Clininc - Headstand (Sirsasana)

    • Asana Clinic - Ananda Balasana - Haoppy Baby Pose

    • The Yoga Sutras

    • Yoga Sutra Quiz

  9. 09
    • Replay Friday Night: Energy , Ayurveda & Yoga Physiology

    • Replay Saturday: Energy , Ayurveda & Yoga Physiology

    • Replay Sunday : Energy , Ayurveda & Yoga Physiology

    • Yoga Physiology & Ayurveda Assignment

    • The Maya Koshas & Primary Nadis

    • The Seven Major Chakras & Sankhya Philosophy

    • The Gunas

    • The Doshas & The Vayus

    • Ayurveda

    • Asana Clininc - Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose

    • Asana Clinic- Gomukhasana - Cow Face Pose

    • Asana Clininc - Back Bend Preparation

    • Asana Clinic - Urdhva Dhanurasana - Upward Bow

    • Module 9 Quiz

    • Saturday Extra Hours Class - Understanding Energy

  10. 10
    • The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga

    • Copy of Pranayama Assignment

    • Why Do Pranayama

    • The Seven Laws Program

  11. 11
    • Chapter 1 - Gentle Sequence #1

    • Chapter 2 - Gentle Sequence #2

    • Chapter 3 - Gentle Sequence # 3

    • Chapter 4 - Bliss Yoga

    • Chapter 5 - Astanga Vinyasa & Power Yoga

  12. 12
    • Appendix A - Program Schedule

    • Appendix B - Work Requirements & Homework

    • Appendix C - Sanskrit Terms

    • Appendix D - Articles

    • Appendix E - References and Recommended Resources